Emotional hygiene is very important. An amazing Ted talk related to this concept - http://www.ted.com/talks/guy_winch_the_case_for_emotional_hygiene. Enjoy!
We always have a choice, Choose what serves you best!
Self-love is the most important love of all!
Be yourself. It is a very powerful ability!
It is totally OK to be yourself and to be different. It is very tiring trying to be someone other than your authentic self.
Just as we throw out old clothes that are outdated it is also important to throw out beliefs that don't serve us. What unhelpful beliefs can you discard?
These messages are so simple but they can also bring so much joy and fulfillment
What are you waiting for?
Change is fun, exciting and fluid when the past is let go and the future is embraced.
Live your life like a lion!
Some of the items on this list are not always easy to undertake but they are so powerful when put into use.
Is your gift being given to the world?
Are you being yourself? It's your gift to the world!
It is amazing how powerful an attitude of gratitude is.
We've only one of them so why not maximise it to our full potential.
Being mindful and living in the present is the way forward!
Confidence is a very important characteristic in any situation. Aim to be confident in all areas of your life.
Dream big and live your life passionately and authentically.
Own all of these traits every day, many times a day.
I love this simple message.
Not so easy to achieve some of these but certainly worth the effort. Especially number 10!
Live in the moment. It is as simple as that.
Which acronym resonates with you?
Yes they do!
It is always a powerful process to declutter any area of our lives. It is especially true of our mind.
Patience can be challenging when we want to change or to take action immediately. Trust the process.
Take yourself out of your comfort zone on a regular basis. This is where the real growth occurs.
It is worth undertaking the journey to discover your true self. Not only for your own benefit but also for the rest of mankind.
Think of all of those special people in your life who provided light when it was needed most.
It certainly is! My challenge for you is: on a daily basis for 30 days, outline all the reasons out loud and in front of the mirror why you love yourself! Are you up to it?
An attitude of gratitude is so powerful. Every situation, every person is a gift. It sometimes may take a while for this gift to be revealed but it's there.
Madiba was a shining example of someone who radiated love. He could have so easily been bitter and angry.
You are in charge of your life!
Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you.
It's how you value yourself that is important. What other's think is not really a factor.
All of these traits are within you. Bring them out when required.
These wise words say it all.
I would like these every year!
I suggest a number of positive transformations would be the result.
I love this quote. We are what we eat after all.
Which choice are you going with?
Yes you are!
Don't hold back. Play all out every day.
In my humble opinion, the key is to be good enough for ourselves. What others think of us is not a factor.
If your life is not how you visualise it, try a different strategy or direction.
Who you surround yourself with is very important. Choose these special people wisely.
We are all in it together!
What a great to do list!
Be patient as the changes in your life take hold and become habitual.
Face your fears and reap the benefits.
We are all amazing works of art. Keep those people you connect with very close to you.
Very true.
The formula for happiness goes like this: The level of happiness is in direct proportion with the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably live with. Try it!
Love is the water of life....drink deeply!
Very wise words.
Yes indeed!
Find as many activities as possible you find inspiring. Magic will be the result.
So true. It is important to know your authentic self so what others think of you is irrelevant.
Fail better - thanks Stanimal!
Your own intuition is such a magnificent gift. Learning to listen and trust its message is powerful beyond words.
Trust that you are exactly where it suits you best.
Acceptance, letting go and having faith are sometimes not easy but well worth the effort.
Thank you to Ali B (The Mindset Effect) for providing today's habit. Very wise words indeed!
I wish the same for you.
The people you spend a great deal of time with are very important. Choose them wisely.
A healthy body is essential. Without our health we have nothing.
When we're vulnerable is the time the magic happens. Look up the TED talk by Brene Brown.
I love this. This cat is way too cool for school!
How true. Things usually turn out for the best in the long run.
Do a Winston Churchill! That is, never give up!
Patience is a virtue!
Often there is a special ending when we stick to our guns and don't give up.
This mantra is worth repeating until you belive its message.
It's Ok not to know the answer sometimes. By being willing to ask questions and seek answers is a powerful and often enlightening process.
It's all about balance!
Embracing fear will result in so many benefits.
The message can't be any simpler than that!
This is a crucial first step!
Try thinking of a few different ways you can share your gifts with the world.
Try to be as courageous as possible as often as possible. Being uncomfortable is the way forward!
If you start slowly and build momentum, you'll be unstoppable in no time!
Repeat after me....
Surround yourself with people who lift you up.
Let your light shine brightly.
Being mindful and living in the present takes all the pressure off.
So simple!
Always look within!
Gratitude goes a long way.
Being true to who you really are at your core is the key to being authentic and ultimately happy in my humble opinion.
Mistakes are learning opportunities and not something to be feared or avoided.
Live your life with the fulfilment of your soul in mind.
Living in the present is where all the gold awaits.
Self-love is very powerful. Try it!
Is change on your to do list?
Maybe it is just that simple...
Self-love is the way forward!
I am a massive fan of continual learning.
The theme of self-love keeps on coming up. There must be something to it.
Creating enjoyable and sustainable habits is way easier than trying not to do something.
This choice is an important one.
Being mindful with people we interact with is such a powerful gift. It will enhance your relationships.
This Venn diagram summarises how to fulfil and possibly identify your life's purpose.
Change is a great deal easier when there is the presence of a driving force.
Goals are not always straightforward and a couple of setbacks make them even sweeter when reached.
Some key focal points for the week ahead.
Great friendships are worth their weight in gold.
It is always a choice. Being grateful is such a powerful tool.
The heart is where the gold is!
Take a chance rather than simply thinking about it.
Without your health you have nothing. How important is your health to you?
I'm in! Who is willing to join me in changing some thinking styles and making some massive progress?
Create space for all the magical experiences in your life.
Some simple actions that will make such a difference.
This simple summary says a great deal. Life is not a battle. Every day will have a combination of pleasant and less pleasant experiences. Roll with the punches.
Ever had the feeling your friendship is out of balance?
Follow your own path regardless of who tries to stand in your way.
Acceptance is very powerful.
Do you care what others think of you?
Avoid sitting on those cacti that may cross your path.
Always aim to continue learning and being curious.
Your own grass is the best! Take great care of it.
I like it a lot!
It can be as easy as this.
It's fun being yourself!
How clear is the image of the life you want to live? Clarity of your vision is important in attaining it.
Where your focus goes your energy flows.
Self-exploration is powerful beyond words.
How different would our lives be if we faced our fears regularly?
The plan is to be this today. Who is in?
You know what serves you best better than anyone else.
Some reminders how to live life more deeply.
Self-compassion is beneficial on so many levels.
Be your brilliant self all the time!
Be brave indeed! What have you got to lose?
Knowing your own magnificence results in others opinions of you being irrelevant.
You are exactly at the right point in your life right now. Trust in the process.
Rather than wait to do what you really want to, take the plunge now!
No pressure but it's all up to you!
It's all about perception.
Is this how you live your life?
It is much easier to get where you want to go if your circle of influence is going there too!
Listening mindfully is a dying art form. How good a listener are you?
Your mind runs the show!
Sometimes not an easy exercise but well worth the effort.
Your thoughts are reflected in your body language.
Fake it until you make it then become it!
Doing the best you can is enough.
Not so easy to do but such a rewarding outcome when successful.
Couldn't agree more!
Can you make a difference in someone's life?
Are you looking for the good in people and with life in general?
Yes Tony! Yes!
The mind wants to be unrestricted. Can you allow it to be?
It's all up to you! No-one else.
I would have to agree this list is the way to go.
Sometimes it feels so right to make a change. It could also be the case of being over the old behaviour.
These guidelines work very well for me so I wanted to share them.
Love conquers all. Mankind can always benefit from more love.
Don't let those sweet apples pass you by!
Can't go wrong!
It is all about the new habit. The old habit is history!
Thank you Steve Jobs. Let your light shine brightly always.
Is this list possible to follow for a couple of days a week?
You are the one who makes your life how you want it to be.
When the going is smooth it's an easy game. When road is a little rocky that is the true acid test. Embrace any struggles as this means there is growth.
"When you're shining your light as brightly as can be, you are going to attract both moths and butterflies. The art is discerning the difference!" Mike Dooley.
Being in the present is where it's all at!
Follow your passions and the things that really make you happy.
Can you surprise a few people this week with some random acts of kindness?
An attitude of gratitude is so powerful and magical.
Thanks for the reminder Dr Wayne Dyer. Your legacy lives on.
Beauty is only skin deep and eventually fades. Inner beauty never dims and simply shines more brightly over time.
Be brave and follow the things you love in life.
Always back yourself.
It's something I have always loved.
Is this risk worth it?
Enjoying your own company can be an inspiring and enlightening process.
Some guidelines to reinforce the benefits of performance.
Life is too short indeed. When we don't take things personally life becomes much simpler!
Your intuition is one of the most powerful tools in your toolbox. Use it as often as possible.
Quite simple really!
This is where it all starts.
Here is one acronym for LOVE. There are only two states: LOVE or fear. Choose wisely!
Rumi knows best.
Love conquers all!
Undertaking difficult tasks creates the gold.
Being aware of this gap and then closing it is an exciting journey.
You are a beautiful person.
What goes on between our ears can be life changing!
Self-love is vital.
Fake it until you make it, until you become it!
The alignment of these three parts of your life creates an energy where magic happens.
Forgiveness is such a powerful process. It leads to another piece of gold called acceptance.
Being your true self is way more exciting!
Back yourself as much as possible. The greater the trust you have in your decision-making, the more they will work in your favour.
The choice is yours as to how you pereceive what life puts in front of you.
Being yourself is always good enough.
It is contagious!
Please don't forget you are these traits and so much more. Try to remind yourself many times a day.
This might not be an easy assignment but the rewards will be long lasting and very meaningful.
A random act of kindness can literally change a person's life.
Play, laugh & do things that bring joy.
Yes we do!
Being yourself is the only way to be.
There usually is no growth without some pain. Feel through the uncomfortable feelings and know there is gold on the other side.
Inspire the world by truly being yourself (i.e. by truly loving yourself just the way you are).
You create your own reality.
Be your own best friend.
This is a very powerful mindset. Life appears to become easier when gratitude is prevalent.
Keep these types of people very close to you.
No better way to be than being your authentic self.
Mindfulness results in many powerful states including joy and groundedness.
Comparing yourself to someone else is always a recipe for disaster.
When life feels most challenging, this is the time to celebrate as personal growth is underway.
Be very particular about who you spend time with.
All that you need is within you now.
It's all about what is in your heart.
It's not only very necessary but essential.
Shine your light as brightly as possible.
What other people think of us is none of our business! Why worry about it!
Be inspired by your dreams.
Open as fully as possible as much as possible.
Get in toch with and start to live the unlived life.
The most important love relationship you will ever have.
Thoughts become things. Make these thoughts and therefore things very special.
Connect to what is most important to you to help you navigate daily life.
Have the unwavering belief that the future is going to better than your wildest dreams.
When things feel challenging it is a time to celebrate as growth is taking place.
Feel into these powerful emotions and try and discover what is behind them. You might be surprised at the gold waiting for you.
Go for broke!
This is known as the Serenity Prayer. A very wise and powerful saying.
When these three facets of your life are in balance, things will just flow effortlessly.
This Navajo Prayer is simple yet it has a powerful message.
Life is all of these things and more. Life is whatever you want it to be.
Self-love is everything! It can change not only you but also those around you.
What kind of attitude you project is vitally important not only to yourself but also to the world around you.
Be patient, breathe, believe in yourself, trust in the process of life, and allow yourself room to grow.
Self-love is the essential ingredient. Nurture and love yourself as often as possible.
Love yourself like no other!
Open your heart fully to give and receive love.
Never forget this important fact!
There is sometimes a perception that gentleness equals weakness. I would suggest it is the exact opposite.
All the gold resides inside of us.
Life can be as simple as just being in the moment.
With the holiday season almost upon us I like the theme of this holiday list.
I like the way this Doctor thinks!
Tapping into these fears is invaluable. Then feel the fear and do it anyway!
Ever wonder why some people appear to attract all the good stuff consistently?
Meditation promotes wellness on so many levels.
Whatever you want in life is yours if you just go for it!
Your thoughts are all important. You can change your life by changing your thoughts.
Nice and simple.
Make the necessary changes in your life to create the life you want.
Your heart knows where it wants to go. Really listen to it and then go there.
I feel it is always important to be young at heart!
This pretty much sums it up.
It's a view I had never heard expressed before but it makes complete sense.
Displaying an attitude of gratitude creates magic.
The simple things in life bring the most joy.
Very straight forward and relevant.
Thanks Brendon. Well said.
Surrender and let the magic unfold.
Strengthen the relationship between your mind and body.
What does your food bike consist of?
Some beneficial self-care strategies.
Go in the direction that your heart and soul truly wants to go.
This statement is worth repeating many times a day for the rest of your life!
Are you ready?
Happiness usually comes from within. Start and end the search there.
I like the simplicity and wisdom of this philosophy.
Some great reminders of areas to focus on in this list.
An attitude of gratitude creates magic.
It significantly reduces any pressure when focusing on improving only yourself irrespective of any comparisons to others.
Surely there is no one else to be.
Passion & love are two key concepts for living a memorable life.
Letting go of people, places or behaviours is also a powerful process. Do what is best for you right now.
Thank you Louise Hay. Beautiful advice.
This 'I like' list really appeals to me.
Self-love is the greatest love of all.
When things appear hopeless just trust and surrender that something better is on the way.
The past won't equal the future unless you live there. Dream big!
There are no coincidences. Every interaction is a chance for us to learn and grow.
Always be true to yourself.
Using our imagination is very important in creating the life we want.
Always shine your brilliant light.
There is always a choice!
Always remember this important fact!
Some powerful yet simple guidelines to follow.
Judement of others is usually a reflection of ourselves.
Taking action always helps to move forward.
Being yourself is always enough.
Being authentic is a very powerful process for all involved.
Self-love is the key to so many areas in life.
Cultivate your Inner Tim!
Nice and simple yet very powerful.
Go ahead. What a gift.
Everyday is a blessing.
Thank you Teddy R for your very wise words.
Kiss, read, listen to or play music, write and breathe!
Where is your change coming from?
Just do your very best everyday and be kind to yourself if things don't go according to plan.
Self-worth is an inside job.
There is usually an upside to challenging times.
Love yourself fiercely today and every day.
Living in the moment is so much easier.
Repeat many times a day, every day. I am enough.
Be brave and live your life how you want it to look like.
Let those good thoughts blossom.
Working hard for something is much sweeter than it coming easily.
Actually it is not that unbelievable!
Choose wisely indeed.
It's Ok to be different.
These guidelines may be helpful although sometimes challenging.
Share your special gifts with the world.
You will always be a masterpiece!
Challenges usually mean there is something better on the way. On so many levels.
Create a list of dreams that are massive in every way!
Creating a meaningful internal loving dialogue will magnify all external loving experiences exponentially.
Your inner warrior is always there for you to call upon.
You do. Please don't ever forget it.
The choice is that simple.
By this definition be beautiful, genius like and totally ridiculous!
There is no better time than the present.
It is the only place to live.
Upon reflection everything usually turns out for the best.
Go on a hugging spree today and every day!
Be creative with your imagination as often as possible.
Be a hero today and every day.
As simple as 1,2,3!
Living with a loving and compassionate heart creates synchronicity and gratitude for all involved. Look within for your gifts rather externally.
Keep taking action even if it's something small.
Please always remember this very important message.
Worth a shot!
It's Ok to be authentically different.
Challenges can be turned around by viewing them with a different perspective. Try looking at the stars the next time you are confronted with something unexpected.
Meditation will change your life in so many powerful and beneficial ways.
Surround yourself with those people who accept you for who you are with no judgement.
Being fully present is not only a gift to you it is also a gift to everyone else.
Perception can easily change any situation.
Forgiveness of others is very important but even more so is forgiveness of yourself.
As difficult as it may be, welcome those challenging people into your life, as the lessons learned will be invaluable.
Four simple yet powerful words.
Who really cares what others think?
Self-acceptance is a beautiful process and one that will powerfully change your life.
Is your life how you want it to be? Maybe it is time to have a look at some of the beliefs that may be creating disharmony in your life.
All good pointers.
Passionate is in and lukewarm is out.
Being yourself is always a winner. Always.
Always remember this important fact.
Beauty is truly skin deep. The most beautiful things are generated internally.
When you find that place visit it as often as possible.
Changing your mood can be as simple as this.
Are you practicing self-love regularly?
Very wise words Bruce Lee.
Self-acceptance is life changing.
Some key areas to focus on.
Which are you primarily?
People are always doing the best they can at the time. A touch of kindness can change a life.
An attitude of gratitude will change so many areas in your life for the better.
Mindful breathing in combination with gratittude is a magic elixir to ease most stressful moments.
This message is one to be always remembered.
Are you in?
Who you are right now is more than enough.
Be free as much as possible.
Shine brightly with kindness.
Always believe in yourself. This is a gift to the world.
I know you are. The key though, is that you do too.
Be your yourself. Everyone else is taken.
You create your own reality as thoughts become things. Therefore ensure that these thoughts work for you.
It's possible to do both!
Thinking differently equals growth. Growth is one of the key human needs.
In the words of Winston Churchill "Never give up." Especially so when referring to your dreams.
Your best is always good enough.
Always remember your inner power. It is always within you.
We never know what another person is going through. Compassion is a beautfiul gift.
Be in touch with your authentic self. Always.
Collect all of these during your unique and priceless journey.
Your power is an invaluable resource. Treasure it rather than giving it away.
Your great friends are like gold nuggets.
Yes Gabby!
It's all about your capabilities. Always.
Being authentic is the only way to go.
This is a great way to breathe. Every day.
Happiness starts and ends with you.
Keep those keys safe and sound.
Your authenticity is a gift to the world.
Try listening more than talking.
Be brave, strong and happy.
By looking after your body you are also looking after your soul.
Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Doing things in the face of fear is so empowering. Go for it.
Being your authentic self is such a gift. Unleash it onto the world!
Always remember how precious you really are.
Love yourself like never before.
Every day presents so many opportunities for contribution and growth.
Follow your passions and live your life to the fullest.
Go indeed Henry. I love your work.
The peaceful choice is not always straightforward but definitely worth it in the end.
It's all about our choices in responding to situations and circumstances.
Negative thoughts weaken the body while positive thoughts strengthen it.
Your true self is always enough.
Being open minded creates stronger bonds not only with yourself but also with others.
When successfully achieving a goal there is a lot of hard work that goes on behind the scenes. This hard work makes the end result all the more satisfying.
Work on strengthening all three of these bones.
Follow your heart and your passions as often as possible.
How are you treating others?
Yes it is.
Are your conditions optimal for growth and learning?
There is always a master plan at work.
Shine brightly, every day.
Always shine as brightly as possible. The more darkness around you, the more light is required.
In with love and laughter. Out with anger, grief, worry, stress and fear.
An abundance of love usually results in miracles.
Let anything go that doesn't do it for you.
I hold the same belief Dr.
Choose who you spend your time with carefully and wisely.
Create the life you want. Thoughts become things.
Choose those people you spend the majority of your time with very carefully and selectively.
What beautiful gifts they are.
We are both very beautiful!
Live your life how you want to live it.
Pay it forward.
Look after yourself before anyone else.
When times are tough, it usually means growth and change are occurring.
When times feel like a struggle, just go with them and know that something magnificent is waiting on the other side of it all.
It's an easy win-win.
Be inspired rather than scared.
It may sometimes feel like it is hard to find the good, but it is always there.
Less thinking and more feeling = a powerful force.
Everything lies within us.
I like this manifesto. A lot.
As someone who use to be all about winning it is much more fun and also liberating to be constantly aiming to be better than I was before.
I like this philosophy of living life.
Very cool habits for the next 365 days and then some.
Get in touch with ways to quieten your mind. Your soul will benefit enormously.
The magic is contained within living in the now. Not the past or the future.
The past does not equal the future unless you live there.
Being appreciative and grateful is an easy way to create a positive mindset.
Your authentic self is such a special gift to the world. Don't be shy. Let it shine brightly.
I'm the napper but not so much because I'm procrastinating but because I see them as great self-care startegies!
Allow yourself to feel fully and keep that massive heart of yours open as often as possible.
Love and accept yourself first. Then loving and accepting others will be so much easier.
Express fully who you truly are.
Embrace your inner superhero!
Today and every day.
Yes, before it's too late.
As easy as falling off a log!
There is always a choice. Which will you make?
Yes you are.
Just step aside.
Less stress and more passion.
It's always the first step. For everything.
Be courageous. Especially in the face of fear.
Give, love, trust and listen in ways outlined above.
I still feel 25 and act 21! My ex gf said to me last year "Are you 16 years old?" What a compliment!
We are what we eat.
Yes it is. Always.
The flower is perfect just the way it is. Just like you are.
Each of us has a chance everyday to make a difference in the world. Try not to let your daily chances slip by.
Definitely attend to them.
It is worth having a go rather than playing it safe.
Your best is a treasured gift. Give it freely and often.
Make a real difference in the world via your actions, behaviour and attitude.
We all have our moments when we don't feel at our best, at our strongest, most confident etc. When they occur in others, be the shining light for them.
I like these guidelines very much.
Trust that everything at that moment is exactly how it is meant to be.
You're able to make a difference every day, in so many ways.
It is worth going deep within to find the diamonds and rubies that reside there.
Your actions speak way louder than your words.